How Augmented Reality can change digital world
Games, photo filters and other recent innovation are only application demonstrating the potential of Augmented Reality. But what does exactly AR cover, and how can it be used in other fields?
When Pokémon GO was launched in 2016, we discovered a brand new world, different from the one that locked up gamers into their bedrooms. Within Pokémon GO, people of any age were wandering in real streets and public spaces in search of virtual monsters.
Downloaded more than 500 million times after its release, Pokémon GO was for many an introduction to Augmented Reality. In short, a combination of reality and Virtual Reality where the real-world is integrated with digital fantasy.
The game is a combination of the Pokémon universe and Google Maps. Players need phones with GPS, cameras and internet connectivity necessary to map virtual monsters in real surrounding. The purpose was to ‘catch’ those monsters, only possible by actually traveling through physical space. Thousands players had accidents and ended up by dying because of the game. Many have critiqued the new technology because pushing people to look on their screens rather than their actual surroundings.
After Pokémon GO, Snapchat filters started to change your face in real time. But Augmented reality is more than a new technology applied on games. Here are the main uses where Augmented Reality has been already implemented, and the areas in which will probably have major impact.
Augmented Reality can be useful also for other purpose different from entertainment. For example, you could see how a couch looks like in your living room before buying it just using your phone and AR. This is possible thanks to specialized softwares. They analyze the space using your phone camera and then digitally displays the couch on your screen, giving you an idea of how the result would be.
With Augmented Reality you have information about things you are looking at. You can find information about a restaurant, a new laptop, a cake or whatever by just pointing your phone lens at the interested object.

Military aircraft implemented Augmented Reality technology to improve pilot capability for more than a decade. As part of the helmet, information pass in front of the pilot’s eyes, avoiding him/her to lose situational awareness while looking over the readouts. For example, in the case a missile would approach the aircraft from behind, the pilot would be able to see it without turning around.
Additionally, people can use a phone app to view a 3D display able to ‘expands’ the physical environment. Time and space would be analyzed and be telling a story going back millions of years. People would be learning extra information to the ‘real life’ by just walking around the world.
Another application concerns translation. Thanks to Google’s translation tool and Augmented Reality technology, you also have an app that directly translates foreign texts. Then, tourists will be enable to understand road signs, menus or a ticket machine, not withstanding the language boundary.
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