Safety is for sure one of the priorities in any workplace, how can Augmented Reality guarantee its effectiveness? Let’s find it out together.

occupational safety

To assure that the workplace is as safe as possible for its employees is undoubtedly at the base of principles for the employer. What about occupational safety?

Augmented Reality, even if still considered a novelty, is already used in the most various fields, from medicine to sport. In the safety field it can bring many benefits. The usage of this technology in the future is without a doubt fundamental.

One of the considerations that has to be made is that safety on the workplace can be exponentially increased through a good staff training. Understanding the message is a crucial part. AR can transmit and imprint it in the memory more efficiently thanks to the fact of being compelling, immersive and immediate.

This technological advancement can upgrade all this processes, from conveying an excellent training to reduction and prevention of accidents. For the worker, having at their disposal tips and instruction manuals at hands reach is certainly an incredible advantage.

With this they have the ability to keep between their hands tools and equipment in Augmented Reality! AR combines the efficiency to use real utensils and equipment for training with the creative aid of advanced experience.



At the moment, visors are still pretty expensive to be able to give to augmented glasses to each employee, unless your name is Tesla. So, if we want to give the opportunity to everyone to take advantage of this technology, we need a device that everyone has, the smartphone. In this way costs are drastically dropped and accessibility is universal. The so called “wearables”, visors, smartwatches and others can’t compete. 

occupational safety


Of course, frontline workers are not the only ones to benefit from AR in the security department.

Statistics are pretty clear, when the companies invest in continuous and adaptive training of the staff, there is a reduction in working accidents. Besides, in the cases were there has been a practical demonstration before operating, it has been measured an increase in installation of about 30% and a better first time precision of 90%!

Probably one day it will be possible to receive notifications on the phone about malfunctioning of machinery and, through AR, repair it immediately with the support of a guided demonstration on the device.


  • With the support of AR, machinery would go through less malfunctioning. gaining from more maintenance and a more accurate usage of workers.


  • Insurance companies would also have huge utilities. Will less incidents happening, the risk to lose revenue is decreased, so being able to lower prices for the clients. This would make them more competitive against rivals on the market.


  • For the employers, there would be an increase in productivity, since all workers would have a minimum risk of to happen into accidents and unforeseen obstacles. The machines would have a higher life expectancy and the need for available technicians would not be necessary, because there would be just need for remote support just in extreme cases.

Maybe Ar will be able to save lives and maybe this future is not that far away.

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